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Writer's pictureMarcy Stoudt

The Give Method: A 4-Step Process to Win 2023

An easy-to-use framework to win the new year!

Are you ready for 2023? Use the GIVE method to help you plan for a successful start to the new year.

GIVE provides a structure for your Goals, Initiatives, Vision, and Evaluation of your priorities.

Goals are quantifiable and define what you want to achieve in the next quarter, year, and 18 months.

Initiatives are high-level efforts that will help you achieve your goals.

Vision includes who the customers are, what customers need, and how you plan to deliver on these needs.

Evaluate your preferences and interest in your commitments and priorities.

How to get started:

1. Goals

Create a list of SMART Goals that are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic & Relevant, and Time-Based. Using SMART Goals, you will avoid creating goals that are either too vague or unobtainable.

2. Initiatives

Once you’ve narrowed your goals, deconstruct them to build the steps necessary to achieve them. Be sure to include names and expectations of others involved in achieving the goal.

3. Vision

With the GIVE method, Vision focuses on your audience. Ask, what is important to my clients and customers.

  • What problems do you solve?

  • How specifically do you solve these problems?

  • What do you use to teach and measure results?

4. Evaluate

Finally, Evaluate your own preferences and interests to ensure that your priorities align with your goals.

Raising self-awareness with personality assessments will help ensure success by understanding your strengths and weaknesses, helping you solve problems and avoiding stress, ultimately, making your more productive. Consider using personality assessments to gain clearer insight to the nature of your temperament. Check out Revel Coach’s CloverLeaf tool to complete your free DiSC, Enneagram, and 16 Types assessment.

Set yourself up for success with the GIVE method of goal setting. I’ll ask again, are you ready for 2023?


Nest Founder Marcy Stoudt is passionate about developing leaders, bringing teams together, and creating a work environment where people thrive. For the past 25 years, she has worked with hundreds of women and executives and has coached, taught, and inspired results through confidence and balance.

Find career and family balance at the Nest

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