NEW Book and Journal ALERT to Reach Your Full Potential!
REVEL COACH is excited to join the movement and community of REVEL COACH Conversation members Amy P. Kelly and Julie Nee, You Grow Girl! Together, Amy and Julie created their book, journal, and community to benefit all of us!
When Julie and Amy started talking about their vision, they knew they would be talking to girls and women of all ages and stages who want to grow. They asked girls, young women, and older women, what the words “you grow girl” meant to them. The collective response was that these words made them feel supported, encouraged, positive, and inspired. This sealed the name to go along with the growth and development of women planting and pursing the power of their best work and life.
There is something inherently powerful about watching someone grow and getting to support and cheer them on, especially women or girls supporting other women and girls.
You Grow Girl! is a movement to help women of all ages and stages fulfill their full potential.
It is encouragement and support.
It is believing in yourself and others.
It is the continuous pursuit of growth, despite the obstacles, detours, and setbacks.
It is appreciating who you are and how far you’ve come.
It is seeing the future you want to create and then working to create it.
It is knowing you don’t have to do this alone.
It is knowing there is a path meant just for you.
It is moving beyond the things that hold you back to pursue the power of you.
Amy and Julie bring their years of life and work experience to a book, journal, and community to support women in their growth and development. The book and journal are aligned to a structure they created entitled C.U.L.T.I.V.A.T.E. Each letter in the work cultivate signifies a step in the process of growth. The book follows this format with personal stories and actionable strategies. The companion journal takes the 9 letters in the word cultivate to a chapter with 10 days in each chapter. This provides a total of 90 days to pursue growth and personal development power.
All aspects of the book, journal, and community are designed to provide freedom to chart a course of development that meets each women there they are and create the results that help women nourish their mind, soul, and spirit.
The cultivate structure is as follows:
C Create the Environment for Growth
U Unlock Courage and Confidence
L Love Yourself and Others
T Train to be Ready
I Invite Input
V Visualize Success
A Appreciate Progress
T Transplant as You Grow
E Explore the Possibilities
The book is about their story, lessons learned, and strategies for others to grow. Each chapter in the journal has a beautiful quote, a coloring page, an opportunity to make a powerful list, multiple spaces for doodles and daily preparation, and a summary page for growth that has occurred in that section. Each day is broken into three sections of Plant, Pursue, and Power where there is opportunity to focus on the present, reflect on growth, celebrate progress, receive peace, and design the future.
Amy and Julie host free monthly Let’s Grow Together sessions to help women connect and make progress. Registration for the sessions is through their website.
Life is an adventure, and there are opportunities to grow at every stage and every age. You Grow Girl! acts as Miracle-Gro®, providing tools, resources, and a community of women to cultivate maximum success!
To learn more and download free resources visit
You Grow Girl! was founded by Amy P. Kelly, a global human resources and talent development executive known for building high-performance talent and cultures, including award-winning workplaces and leadership development programs, and Julie Nee, a leader, motivator, and passionate teacher of all things positivity.
Together, their passion for growing themselves and others brought them to write the You Grow Girl! Book and Companion Journal!
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About the author: As the co-founder and Chief Storytelling Officer of Revel Coach, a career growth platform, Alison Nissen helps leaders perfect their business pitches and online presence through storytelling. Successful executives use key storytelling points to engage their audience and gain market share because they know good storytelling is the best form of marketing, recruiting, and fundraising. Write Your Book NOW! Mastermind enrolling now.
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